Return Policy

We strive to ensure you are satisfied with your purchase. However, we understand that sometimes a product may not meet your expectations. Our return policy is designed to be as straightforward as possible. For our full refund policy, please see the customer agreement below.


Within 30 Days

You must return your product within 30 days of the shipping date. Returns must be shipped back to our warehouse within 7 days of receiving your return label.

Include Original Packaging and Product in New Condition

Any returned product(s) must be returned in their original packaging and in like-new condition. TOUCH CABINETS HARDWARE, INC. reserves the right to reject the return if there is damage to the product or its packaging.

If a product is deemed unfit for return, we will notify you that the return has been rejected and no refund will be issued. You can then choose one of the following options:

  1. The product will be shipped back to you at a shipping cost provided by the shipping company.
  2. The product will be recycled.

If you do not select one of the above options within 14 days of our notification, the product will be recycled.

We are not responsible for the risk of loss or damage to the product during shipment for returns.

Restocking Fee

A restocking fee of 15% of the purchase price will be deducted from the refund amount for all returned items. This fee helps cover the costs associated with processing and restocking the returned items.

Shipping Fees

Please note that shipping fees are not refundable. You will be responsible for covering the shipping costs to return the product to our warehouse.


If your return meets the requirements described above, please follow these steps:

1. Request your return via
2. After reviewing your return request, we will email you a return label. Print out the return label and securely attach it to a suitable shipping carton.
3. If the returned products meet all of our return policy requirements, we will process the refund (minus the restocking fee) and send you a confirmation email. Refunds will be credited to the original credit card used for the purchase. Please allow up to 5 business days for this process.

If you have any questions or concerns about making a return, feel free to contact our support team at or call 1-909-686-0001.

Last updated: July 1st, 2024